
There is something for everyone! Get involved!

Don’t underestimate the importance of having fun participating in school activities. Some of the best times and memories students have are the experiences of belonging to a club or participating in an after-school activity. Clubs and activities are important to join just for the enjoyment that they will bring to most students, but they also allow the students to more easily make friends because the groups are small and they get to be themselves!

Clubs and activities provide students with many positive experiences that help them to become well-rounded individuals who are ready for college or the workplace. It helps students to become active in their school and to feel a connection the school and to others. It provides a sense of pride and school spirit and it is a positive influence on our youth today.

  • Leader In Me

This comprehensive framework is founded on the belief that every student has the potential to lead! Here at CHES, we foster a culture of student leadership, trust, and academic success, empowering students, educators, and families to excel in life!

  • Student LIM Teams:

STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math); Environmental (Student leaders focusing on educating our community about ways to love our Earth and environment); Hospitality (Student leaders welcoming their peers and helping serve the school community); Service Learning (Students creating and facilitating community-service projects; CHES Fit (Students leading their community in on a pathway to health and wellness)

  • Safety Patrols

Our 5th grade leaders can apply to be a first or second-semester safety patroller here at CHES and proudly wear the recognizable yellow belt.  These leadership positions encourage student safety in and around our school campus and are role models for all students.

  • PTA After-School Enrichment Activities

Our amazing PTA provides popular and beneficial after-school enrichment activities, revolving around art, wellness, and academics.  These activities are highly attended by students!

  • Talent Show

We can't wait to see our students show off their many talents at our annual talent show!  Each year, the school community is wowed by the various dancing, singing, instrumental, gymnastic, and ventriloquist skills - just to name a few!

  • Fall and Spring Book Fairs

Love a good Book Fair?  CHES goes all out for our students and their families to enjoy a great book fair experience, with ample browsing opportunities!

  • Glow Party

Get excited! CHES welcomes all students to get their GLOW for an evening of fun, dancing, and other cool activities!

  • Pumpkin Night

Pumpkin Night at CHES is always a student and family favorite!  Come see if you can guess what the pumpkin characters are!

  • Silent Auction

Each class at CHES puts together a spectacular themed basket for a silent auction in December.  In addition to the amazing goodies sent in by our families, our business and community partners donate great packages as well!

  • Battle of the Books

Calling all CHES 5th-grade students!  BOB is a robust reading challenge offered to rising 5th-grade students where they are given a list of books to read beginning in the summer before they enter 5th grade. The culminating event is a school-wide competition and a county competition, where parents can come cheer their readers on!

  • Field Day

Lace up your sneakers and fill your water bottles!  Field Day at CHES is a fun-filled, healthy, and super fun day of moving our bodies! Parents are always welcome to volunteer - the more the merrier!

  • Walk to School in Fall and Spring

Each fall and spring, students and families are invited to join in National Walk to School Day!  

  • 5th-grade promotion ceremony

We send our 5th-grade students off with love and well wishes as they move on to middle school.  Parents are always welcome!

  • 5th-grade chorus

Our incredible music teachers lead our 5th grade students in beautiful chorus performances throughout the year. 

  • Grade level performances

Each grade level is spotlighted in a special themed performance during the year.  Parents are always welcome to attend!

  • International Night

International Night at CHES is a community favorite!  Students educate others on their culture and everyone learns new and exciting things.  There are fun food trucks and activities for the whole family! 

  • Student-Led Town Hall Meetings

Our student leaders lead Town Hall Meetings throughout the year where they spotlight a particular "Habit", such as "Think Win-Win." Student leaders are in charge of the entire process, including the audio/video team.  It's a great way to see leadership at work!